Thorns of Glory Read online

  Cover illustration by Joe Flores.

  Cover design © 2020 by Covenant Communications, Inc.

  Published by Covenant Communications, Inc.

  American Fork, Utah

  Copyright © 2020 by Chris Heimerdinger

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any format or in any medium without the written permission of the publisher, Covenant Communications, Inc., P.O. Box 416, American Fork, UT 84003. This work is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed within this work are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect

  the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Covenant Communications, Inc., or any other entity.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are either products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real, or are used fictitiously.

  First Printing: October 2020

  ISBN-13: 978-1-52441-480-1

  For Lucy,

  the first, I hope, of many


  I also express thanks to Dustin Randall, for helping me to keep it all straight, and for Gordon Jones, who helps it to read a little better.

  Cast of Characters

  *Names with an asterisk represent historical figures mentioned in the Book of Mormon, Bible, or another historical source. Beyond what is written in scriptural or extra-scriptural accounts, any role such figures play in the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series is purely speculative.

  Akish*—Sorcerer among the Jaredites who conspired with the daughter of King Jared* to reinstall her father to the throne. Later, Akish conspired to have King Jared murdered and claimed the throne for himself. Since Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah, Akish has pursued the silver sword, which fell into the hands of Mary, Becky, and Joshua. This sword, in Book 2: Gadiantons and the Silver Sword, is most often referenced as the sword of Coriantumr. Akish, who created this weapon, believes it will help him defeat his rivals and enemies, including his own sons.

  Ammara—Wife of Moroni,* son of Mormon.*

  Ammon—An older warrior of the Fox Division, commanded by Captain Josh.*

  Ammonchi—Banner chief of the Fox Division of the Nephite army, under the command of Captain Josh.*

  Ammon—An older warrior of the Fox Division, commanded by Captain Josh.

  Anna*—Second oldest half sister of Jesus of Nazareth.*

  Annas (or Ananus)*—First high priest of the Sanhedrin over the newly formed province of Judea in a.d. 6. Even after he was deposed in a.d. 15 for imposing and executing capital sentences forbidden by the Roman government, Annas is said to have maintained significant political influence by virtue of having his five sons and a son-in-law, Caiaphas,* serve as high priests after his reign. He was reportedly assassinated in a.d. 66 for advocating peace with Rome, although this would have him at a very advanced age for the time period.

  Antionum—Lamanite warrior from the village of Seibalche, where Tikal’s prince, Lamanai (Eagle-Sky-Jaguar) was raised after his father, the Emperor of Tikal, was murdered. Antionum participated in the rescue of Moroni and Gilgal in Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah. He remained behind to organize supporters for Eagle-Sky-Jaguar and then followed him and Moroni to Cumorah. He and his army crossed paths with Moroni, Garth, Apollus, Meagan, and the rest on the day of Micah’s death. Antionum turned his back on his former friends after learning that Prince Lamanai no longer supported the Nephite cause, but he allowed the group to continue on to Cumorah.

  Apollus Brutus Severillus—Roman Centurion from the first century a.d. First introduced in Book 6: The Lost Scrolls and has been a main character of the series since. Love interest of Meagan Sorenson. Proposed marriage to Meagan in Book 10: Kingdoms and Conquerors.

  Archeamus—Lamanite soldier, nephew of King Sa’abkan of the people of the Earth-Stone.

  Asherah*—Jaredite sorceress. Daughter of King Jared,* wife of Akish,* mother of Teshebel, Uguleth, Hamira, and Nimrah.* Mentioned in the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon, but not by name. She is credited by Moroni, abridger of the record of Ether, as the person who introduced secret combinations, which was a primary cause of destruction among the Jaredites and Nephites (Ether 8:9–26).

  Askelon—An officer of the Tarantula Division under Moronihah, son of Moroni.

  Avram—Captain of the guard in the house of Caiaphas* the high priest.

  Barabbas (Bar Abba or Ben Abbas)*—Zealot leader in Jerusalem who was released from prison by Pontius Pilate* instead of Jesus on the day of Christ’s Atonement. The name Barabbas in Hebrew or Aramaic means “son of the father” and offers an interesting parallel with Jesus Christ, who is the literal Son of our Heavenly Father.

  Bashez—A soldier in the Scorpion Division under the command of Gidgiddonihah.

  Blue-Crocodile* (Nun Yax Ayin)—Son of Spearthrower Owl,* Emperor of Teotihuacán. Lord Blue-Crocodile was installed as the leader of Tikal after the death of Great Jaguar Paw,* father of Lamanai.

  Brock McConnell—Brother of SaKerra McConnell, first introduced in the novel and motion picture Passage to Zarahemla, which intertwined with the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series in the novel Escape from Zarahemla.

  Caiaphas (Joseph or Yosef Ben Caiaphas)*—High priest of the Jewish Sanhedrin who reputedly organized the plot to have Jesus arrested and killed. Son-in-law of Annas,* the former high priest.

  Carter—Marcos and Melody’s young adopted son.

  Coriantumr (King)*—Last surviving king of the Jaredite nation. In the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series, the infamous silver sword (forged by Akish*) is sometimes referred to as the sword of Coriantumr because it was wielded by King Coriantumr in the last struggle of his people at the Hill Ramah/Cumorah.

  Coriantumr (Prince)*—Son of Omer, a Jaredite king. Husband of Princess Kimnah.

  Cumenihah*—Captain of the Nephite army.

  Dootapoo—Prophetess and sorceress living among the Nephites at Cumorah.

  Dysmas*—a Zealot rebel and close associate of Barabbas.*

  Elam—Jaredite warrior. One of the sons of King Akish* and his second wife, Mizerath.

  Eleazar (Ben Ananus)*—Eldest son of Annas,* who, like his father, was a former high priest of the Sanhedrin. Eleazar was high priest in a.d. 16–17, shortly after his father was deposed.

  Elorah—Youngest wife of King Omer* of the Jaredites. Mother of Prince Emer.*

  Emer*—Infant prince of the Jaredites. Son of King Omer* and his youngest wife, Elorah.

  Ephrem—Teenage member of the royal household of King Herod Antipas.*

  Esrom*—Prince of the Jaredites and son of King Omer.* Husband of Princess Hearthrah.

  Etham—Brother of Pagag.*

  Fireborn (Siyah K’ak’ or Fire is Born)*—General from Teotihuacán who reputedly ruled in Tikal alongside the son of Teotihuacán’s Emperor, Spearthrower Owl, whose name, as interpreted from Mayan glyphs, was Lord Blue-Crocodile.* After the son of Jaguar Paw,* Lamanai (Eagle-Sky-Jaguar), reemerges, Fireborn unsuccessfully seeks Lamanai’s death. After the escape of Moroni* and others from Tikal, Fireborn heads up the armies who seek the destruction of the Nephites at Cumorah. Fireborn is also mentioned as a historical character of Mesoamerica, most notably on Tikal’s Stela 31, as the figure who arrived in Tikal from Teotihuacán on January 16, a.d. 378—the same date as the death of Lamanai’s father, Great-Jaguar-Paw.* Some scholars have interpreted this information to mean that Fireborn defeated Tikal and served as Teotihuacán’s military commander, or Kalomté, in this region of the Petén during the same era as the Nephite d
estruction at Cumorah.

  First Deer—Hummingbird Commander of the Lamanite tribe of the Earth-Stone. First mentioned in Book 10: Kingdoms and Conquerors.

  Garth Plimpton—Patriarch of the Plimpton family, father of Joshua and Rebecca, husband of Jenny (Jennifer), who is the younger sister of Jim Hawkins. Has a degree in anthropology and is a professor at Brigham Young University. Lived among the Nephites for several years prior to the visitation of Jesus Christ. A primary character of the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series since Book 1: Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites.

  Gebron—Soldier of the Scorpion Division under the command of Gidgiddonihah.

  Gemnor—Squad leader of the Eagle Division.

  Gessica—Beautician of Princess Salomé.

  Gestas*—Zealot rebel and close associate of Barabbas.*

  Golium—Ammonite physician and part of the personal staff of Commander Mormon.* Cared for Meagan after Micah was killed by “Gadianton Ghosts” in Book 11: Seers and Sorcerers.

  Gidgiddonihah (Gid)—Nephite warrior and a primary character of The Tennis Shoes Adventure Series since Book 3: Feathered Serpent, Part One. He was killed by Scythian warriors in Book 7: The Golden Crown but was restored to life by Harry Hawkins, who manipulated his fate using time travel in Book 9: Tower of Thunder. He was promoted by Commander Mormon to be a Nephite Captain over the Scorpion Division.

  Gidgiddonihah (Baby Gid) Hawkins—Infant son of Jim and Sabrina Hawkins.

  Gilgal*—Nephite Chief Captain who is rescued from Tikal with Moroni.* He becomes one of the crustier traveling companions of the main characters in their journey to Cumorah. He is a staunchly loyal warrior in the Nephite army.

  Gothan—Nervous warrior of Akish.*

  Hamira—Female Jaredite warrior. Youngest daughter of Akish* and Asherah.* Granddaughter of King Jared.* Great-granddaughter of King Omer.* Sister of Nimrah.*

  Hanan Ben Hanan (or Ananus Ben Ananus)*—Youngest son of Annas.* Last son of Annas to serve as high priest in Israel in approximately a.d. 63–64. Reputedly the high priest who ordered the stoning of James,* brother of Jesus,* in a.d. 64.

  Harrison (Harry) Hawkins—Son of Jim and Renae Hawkins. Central modern-day character since Book 3: Feathered Serpent, Part One. Lived three years as a castaway in the Greek islands as a teenager. Served a mission in Greece. Love interest of Mary Symeon, Jewish daughter of Symeon Cleophas,* bishop of Jerusalem at the time of the Roman conquest of Judea.

  Hathrom—Jaredite warrior. One of the five sons of King Akish* and his second wife, Mizerath.

  Hearthrah—Princess of the Jaredites. Wife of Prince Esrom.*

  Herod Antipas*—Son of King Herod the Great* who inherited a tetrarchy (four-way rulership) of the region of Galilee after the death of his father. Antipas played a role as an interrogator of Christ, an event wherein Christ ignored the ruler and spoke not a word. Frustrated, Antipas passed the custody of Jesus back to the Syrian Procurator, Pontius Pilate, who followed through with the wishes of the people and consigned Jesus to flogging and crucifixion. Herod Antipas should not be confused with his father, Herod the Great, the Idumean King who orchestrated the slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem aged two and under mere weeks prior to his own grisly death. Joseph and Mary helped baby Jesus escape this fate, having been warned in a dream to flee into Egypt.

  Herodias*—Mother of Salomé* and wife of Herod Antipas,* Tetrarch of Perea and Galilee during the period of the Savior’s mortal ministry. Many would have considered her Queen Herodias because her husband was a son of Herod the Great. She was a cause of some scandal among the Jews because of her divorce from Herod the Great’s oldest son, Herod II. John the Baptist’s public criticism of Antipas* and Herodias was the cause for his arrest and eventual execution.

  Huracan—A black jaguar and animal character of the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series whose tail has a fire-colored tip. This feline has been a devoted companion of the central characters traveling in a.d. 385 Mesoamerica since Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah.

  Jacobah—Lamanite warrior from Seibalche who is converted to Christianity. He becomes a traveling companion of Apollus, Meagan, Ryan, and others in their journey to Cumorah. Has acted as a personal bodyguard and protector of Ryan Champion since Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah.

  Jacom—Cousin of Pagag.* Son of Mahonri Moriancumr.*

  James (Ya’akov) the Just*—Eldest half brother of Jesus Christ, thought to have been the first bishop of Jerusalem and possibly an Apostle. He was reportedly martyred in Jerusalem in a.d. 64.

  Jared (1)*—Brother of Mahonri Moriancumr.* Sailed to the New World with his family and founded the Jaredite nation.

  Jared (2)*—Son of King Omer.* Rebelled against his father and placed him in captivity. Lost the kingdom after a battle with the armies of his brothers Coriantumr* and Esrom.* Regained the kingdom utilizing the secret combinations reintroduced by his daughter Asherah* and Akish.* Finally beheaded by the followers of Akish.

  Jeneum*—Chief Captain of the Nephites under Commander Mormon.*

  Jennifer (Hawkins) Plimpton—Younger sister of Jim Hawkins. A primary character since Book 1: Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites. Wife of Garth Plimpton. Mother of Joshua and Rebecca, who were born while she lived with her husband, Garth, among the Nephites prior to the Savior’s visitation. Returned to the modern day with her family at the conclusion of Book 4: The Feathered Serpent, Part Two.

  Jesse—Jewish orphan whose character was first introduced as a boy in Book 5: The Sacred Quest. He eventually returns with Gidgiddonihah and Micah to the Nephite time period of Gidgiddonihah. Jesse rejoined the series as a teenager in Book 9: Tower of Thunder.

  Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth*—Savior of the world.

  Jim Hawkins—Patriarch of the Hawkins family, father of Melody, Steffanie, and Harry by his first wife, Renae, who passed away by cancer in Book 3: The Feathered Serpent, Part One. Presently married to Sabrina. Father of Baby Gid (a few months old) by second wife, Sabrina. Stepfather of Meagan Sorenson, daughter of Sabrina. He has been the central character throughout the Tennis Shoes Adventure Series.

  John (Yohanan) the Beloved*—Apostle of Jesus Christ in a.d. 34.

  Jonas*—One of the disciples of Jesus Christ in the New World. Revealed in Book 4: The Feathered Serpent, Part Two, to be one of the Three Nephites who would linger among the children of men until the end of time. Again, this is fictional speculation since the Book of Mormon does not specifically identify the names of these three disciples.

  Joreth*—Oldest son of Akish and Asherah, whom Akish starved to death in prison because Akish was jealous of Joreth’s popularity. This incident is recorded in Ether 9:7, although the name itself is fictional.

  Joseph (1) son of James (Yosef Ben Ya’akov)*—Husband of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

  Joseph (2) (Joses or Yosef)*—Third eldest of the half brothers of Jesus Christ.

  Joseph (3) (Yosef) of Arimathea*—Member of the Great Sanhedrin of Jerusalem. Uncle of Mary,* the mother of Jesus Christ, and therefore the great-uncle of Jesus.

  Joshua Plimpton (Captain Josh*)—Son of Garth and Jenny Plimpton. Lived in ancient America until the age of four. After his parents returned to modern times, he yearned to go back and live among the Nephites. At twelve, he got his wish (Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah), though not quite in the manner he imagined. Josh eventually came to live among the Nephites during the era before the battle of Cumorah. Now nineteen, he presently serves as Chief Captain of the Fox Division under the command of Mormon.*

  Judas Iscariot (Yehudah of Kirioth)*—An Apostle of Jesus Christ. Betrayed the Savior.

  Jude (Judas or Yehudah)*—Youngest half brother of Jesus Christ. Author of the Epistle of Jude in the New Testament.

  Jugal—Jaredite associate of Nimrah, son of Akish.

  Kentor—Jaredite associate of Nimrah, son of Akish.

  Kiddoni—Nephite warrior. Father of Kiddoniha
h and husband of SaKerra McConnell. First introduced in the novel (and motion picture) Passage to Zarahemla.

  Kiddonihah (Kidd)—Ten-year-old son of SaKerra and Kiddoni.

  Komanchí—Veteran officer of the Fox Division under the command of Captain Joshua.

  Komnor—Head secretary of Commander Mormon.* Descendent of the Ammonites.

  Koriff—Moroni’s second-in-command.

  Korihath—Officer in Moronihah’s Tarantula Division.

  Lamah*—Chief Captain of the Nephites under Commander Mormon.*

  Laman—Ammonite officer of Mormon’s personal staff.

  Lamanai (Prince Eagle-Sky-Jaguar)—Son of the Emperor of Tikal, whom Lord Fireborn murdered when Lamanai was a boy. Discovered Meagan, Apollus, and Ryan soon after they traveled in time to a.d. 385 in Book 8: Warriors of Cumorah. Helped rescue Moroni,* Gilgal,* and others who were held prisoner at Tikal. Made a pact with Moroni to join forces with the Nephites against Teotihuacán but later had a change of heart, seduced by rank and position. He betrayed his traveling companions in the Lacandon Mountains, becoming an enemy of the Nephites. Later leads a force of loyal Lamanites to Cumorah. Apollus, in particular, holds a grudge for his actions. Lamanai is also the enemy of Fireborn,* Commanding General (Kalomté) from Teotihuacán who murdered his father, even though the two men are presently united in destroying the Nephites.

  Lazarus (Eleazar) of Bethany*—Younger brother of Mary* and Martha.* Raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. Also present during the events of the final Passover of Jesus, including His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

  Leah—Hairdresser of Princess Salomé.

  Lehi—Young son of Moroni,* about Rebecca’s age. Brother of Tashlín.

  Lemuel—Ammonite officer of Mormon’s personal staff.

  Lim—Warrior in the Fox Division, under the command of Captain Josh.

  Limhah*—Chief Captain of the Nephites under Commander Mormon.

  Mahonri Moriancumr* (Brother of Jared)—Great prophet among the first generation of Jaredites who wrote a great book, a vision, recounting the history of the world from the beginning to the end. He is the father of Pagag.*